Thursday, June 10, 2010


A couple of months ago - while I was in Armenia - I submitted an abstract for WILD TROUT X. Well a few days ago I was informed that my abstract was accepted. So I'm off to West Yellowstone for the last week in September. As many of you know I'm, as the kids today say, "all about wild and native trout from their native range." Finding them and catching them has been a great excuse for more than one trip with my trout bum buddy Duane Brandt.

Here is my abstract



Wild and native species can best be protected if they have a dedicated constituency to champion their cause. Resource managers at all levels and non-governmental organizations (NGO) such as Trout Unlimited and the Federation of Fly Fishers are now providing the majority of the support. While the trout fishing public is providing indirect support through their membership in the conservation organizations, a more direct and active support would enhance wild trout management efforts.

Fisheries management agencies have established programs such as the “Master Angler” programs to recognize trout anglers who have caught large fish. The California’s Heritage Trout Challenge, Wyoming’s CutSlam and the Federation of Fly Fisher’s CutCatch award recognize anglers for catching native species but no management agency or NGO recognizes anglers for catching wild trout.

Each management agency with jurisdiction over wild species, native or not, as well as outfitters and manufactures can and should develop recognition programs and awards for anglers that successfully pursue wild species. Such programs would increase the excitement and benefits of fishing for wild trout and build their constituency. This program will provide a conceptual framework for how these programs can be developed, identify potential impediments and suggest ways to begin implementation of these constituency building programs.

Watch for something special for wild trout coming from STREAM SIDE ADVENTURES.

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